Certificate of Merit

This award shall be presented to an individual, unit, or department who has displayed excellence throughout the year.

These actions can include, but are not limited to:

a.    A large-scale investigation involving multiple boats, jurisdictions, or suspects.

b.    Innovative ideas or programs which resulted in a positive impact on the community.

c.     Large or unique boat recoveries.

d.    Any other actions, programs, or investigations deemed appropriate by the Awards Committee.

Any nominee who was nominated for but not selected for the Investigator of the Year Award may be considered to receive a Certificate of Merit.

IAMI shall furnish the recipient(s) of this award:

·         A certificate signed by the IAMI President and the Awards Committee Chairman depicting the name of the award, the recipient’s name, and the date and location of the presentment.

There is no maximum number of these awards that can presented each year.

This award will be presented by the President and the Chairman of the Awards Committee during the Banquet of the Annual Training Seminar.

Award Recipients

Lee Goldwich
CIA II Ashley Moon
Matt Roethke
Todd Schwede, CMI
Danny Hicks